Last month, former TV queen, Esther Arunga and her husband, Quincy Timberlake, killed their 3 year- old son at their Kallangur home in Australia. The couple, who are currently remanded in Australia over the murder of their son, are said to have been arrested after autopsy results indicated that the boy was strangled with a metal object. The couple’s story was that the boy fell down the stairs while playing with his two-year-old sibling at their home. But why would Arunga and Timberlake kill their 3- year- old son?
According to preliminary police investigations conducted by Australian Police, Esther and Timberlake killed their son intentionally and it was not accidental as they had earlier claimed. The sleuths, who carried conclusive tests on the boy’s lifeless body, said they established that the Kenyan couple had a motive before they killed the boy. Arunga in her earlier testimony had fixed her husband Quincy over the boy’s death saying he had become violent and kept insisting that the child was not his because he had been born outside wedlock. Was the boy born out of wedlock? In her testimony to the Australian police, Arunga said Quincy Timberlake was not the boy’s biological father. Esther said she got pregnant when she was still in the Finger of God sect, in Runda, Nairobi, which the Kenya Government had blacklisted as a cult. The church was synonymous with wife swapping and sexy orgies and Arunga admitted to have participated in some of them. She secretly revealed to the police that she was raped by the church’s Pastor, Omondi Onyango, (Pastor Joseph Hellon). She said she married Quincy while in her 6 month of pregnancy carrying Hellon’s child. “He never wore a condom when raping me and eventually I became pregnant,” Arunga, who was wearing an oversized white cap, a black sweater and a grey dress, told detectives. While killing the boy, Quincy always linked Joseph Hellon to the dead boy and at times, Wilson Malaba. Malaba was the man Arunga was engaged to before Hellon ‘prophesied’ that it was Timberlake who was chosen by God as Esther’s husband. If found guilty, Arunga and Timberlake could face life imprisonment or 30 years behind bars.