This is Paul Waweru Gakuru he never support my son who is 3yrs not
even a penny.. he kicked me out when I was 7months paged and never did
he even care if I had our son.. 0716289040 is his number… moto wa kuotea
mbali.. uyu ni kadinya.. and also a father Abraham
Paul Waweru Gakuru
Read more below>>>>

This dead beat is Eric Kagundu Muriithi aka Eric Kadu
on fb number is 0721959094. this man put me through hell when i was pg.
calling me names any chance he got i tried all sorts of dialogue but he
kept saying that my baby is not his. my bff called him and he still
refused to step up. he actually told her he went back to his girlfriend
and i knew he was with someone yet he kept telling me they broke up(i
have all texts,inbox and whatsapp to date). So after i gave birth i sent
photos and all he said is he doesn’t care whether she looks like him or
not he will always deny her and will never love
i told him about doing a DNA test but refused saying that will not
change a thing coz he will not love this girl i gave up and moved on
though was so angry and hurt. I now find out he has a son almost my
daughters age and moved to ruai with his girlfriend who has no idea that
he fathered a child somewhere. He acts like a nice guy but he is the
devil himself.
Irene Opondo Cool>Dead Beat Kenya

I met this guy Isaac Ouma Warindu 0721639912 /0786155306at 19yrs back
in 2007.we dated for a while and not before long i realized i was
paged.i told him that and he told me that i go for an abortion which i mum and two brothers could not allow me to stay with them when they found out about my we had to stay
was staying in some ghetto called City Cotton just near BuruBuru phase
1.amongst all the hard ships cause he was still hustling i went thru a
lot.sometimes we could not even afford a
the labour pains came i hid this from my brothers and mum that i could
not even afford money to go to a hospital.i had grown up using private
hospitals and the idea if going to a public hospital never crossed my
mind.Isaac took me to a mkunga(Traditional birth attendant)in Mathare.i gave birth without any
did not have the 800sh fee so i had to stay in that place for 8 more
hrs the following day with no pads or even cotton wool to hold my
no food as this mkunga never provided meals.i did not even have a phone
to make calls but i asked for one and called my brother who came n
payed for
me.all this time Isaac
had not come to see me and the baby.i still went back to
Isaac’shouse.eventually he got a job with Bestell Computers and things
we not bad on
us.he lost the job
again after sometime and we moved to Dandora Phase 1.he had applied for
a job with the Ministry of Education and when he was finally called for
the job our daughter was now 1 yr and 5months
old.Isaac turned wild on
us.he could bring women to the house when i had gone to do manual jobs for
these in front of the baby( I got to talk to meet some of the
women).Finally when he had to report to work he abandoned us n traveled
without our knowledge.i packed my things and left for my uncles place in
Makongeni as my mum had now gone elder brother had also relocated to Kisumu and my other bro whom we are just about the same age could not support uncle raised money for me to go to my mum which i
reaching home my mum accommodated us for some time but she kept
complaining that she did not want to bring up a child whose father is
alive n
working.after 2months she sent us packing to
had been posted to Chemelil so was working from his parents home
somewhere called Wangaya just past Ahero.i knew his parents and brothers
so i went to him.despite telling him that i was goinghe never told his was a surprise to
them.well i was welcome and i stayed with the
mum.Isaac could not be able to commute from home daily so he opted to stay in Awasi as it was nearer to his place of
work.he used to come home over the
had not been paid for four months, he did not have a house at home so
me and my daughter used to sleep on the floor in his brothers house.7
months down the line was paid and Isaac turned to the animal we knew in
was agreed that i go back to my mum so that he can build a house.i went
but picturing how I had suffered i begged my mum to let me stay with
refused and after a week she sent me to Awasi n told me if i could not
stay in Isaac’s homestead while the house was being built then i could
stay in Awasi with him.i didn’t know his house so i went to his place of
work.Shock on me…..Isaac had introduced a lady to his workmates as his
wife.OK we talked but he abandoned us in the office with his
boss.this made them mad at him so they took me to his
this lady his boss……i cant remember her name advised me to go back to
campus n getsome education to help me in future. with the help of
workmates Lilian(i still have her number)and George i had lost weight n
stressed.all i wished for myself was one point i attempted suicide.i had no where to
go.all i had was my baby who kept looking at me with
couldn’t understand what i was going thru.i made one final decision to
leave after my baby gave my a piece of banana when i had overdosed
myself n vomited the
drugs.that’s how my life was
saved.she was 2yrs at the time.i went back to my mum and down on my knees i went begging for
forgave me n helped me get myself a decent life.i joined University of
Nairobi and graduated last yr.i know have a job but this man Isaac has
never supported his child who will be turning 6yrs
soon.he still works with the Ministry of Education Miwani Division.
Politicians are not spared by the page like this one particular MCA found out and was shamed read below.
Jacquiline Mwende>Dead Beat Kenya

Brilliant idea jackson….mine is
simple.The this mheshimiwa MCA his name Paul Karung’o wa Thang’wa in Ng’ewa constituent kiambu county has never supported my 11 yr old
daughter.He only sent 5k after he was sworn in smtime may 2013.cases to the courts are somewhat
we can get a common lawyer who can look onto our interests at a fee of
course..the journeys to court are futile…just two things I need
jackson….education and medical cover for his child..
Well if you want to see more just join the group and see the drama for yourself below is the link
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