7 Types of Men Women Are Attracted To – What’s Your Type?

Confident men are sexy men. Women love a man that oozes confidence and isn’t afraid to take control.
However, there is a fine line between confidence and cockiness. Guys that act cocky often come off as rude and that can appear unattractive to women.
Women love to see that a guy has a sensitive side. It’s nice to know that under all that rough, tough exterior there is a tender soul that isn’t afraid to show his inner feelings. So, guys don’t be afraid to shed a few tears in front of your girl. She isn’t going to think you are any less manly. In fact, you’re only showing that you’re human too.
Women love a guy that takes care of his body. You don’t have to be a bodybuilder to be attractive to women, but girls do like a man that lives a healthy lifestyle and cares for his appearance. Although the scruffy look can sometimes be cute, women value a man that takes pride in his appearance. A man that has good hygiene shows that he respects himself and cares how he presents himself to the world.
Women love a guy with a great sense of humor. Being funny doesn’t just mean telling dirty jokes while hanging out with the guys. Having a good sense of humor consists of being able to laugh at yourself and your own shortcomings. People with a sense of humor generally have a better outlook toward life. Girls feel more relaxed around guys that are fun to be with and can make them laugh. Although you have to put on your serious face sometimes, women don’t want to be around a chronic grumpy Gus with a negative attitude. What fun is that?
Chivalry is not dead. At least it shouldn’t be. Although women are quite capable of opening their own doors or carrying their groceries, it’s still nice to have a guy offer to assist you. The days of Prince Charming arriving on his white horse may be long past, but good manners never go out of style. So guys, have good manners and treat your lady like a lady.
Smart can be sexy too. Intelligent men don’t have to be nerdy. In fact, they can be very attractive and their intelligence is admired by women. After all, women like to be able to hold an intelligent conversation and a guy that can talk about more than his biceps is a definite plus.
Honesty is an admirable quality and women find it attractive. Women don’t want to be with guys that lie and behave deceptively. Women want their men to communicate with them and to be open and honest. If a couple doesn’t talk to each other and men can’t be honest, the relationship isn’t going to go very far. So, honesty really is one of the best qualities a potential partner can demonstrate. Be honest with your girl and talk to her about your hopes, dreams and fears. She will feel closer to you and will value your ability to be open and honest with her about your innermost feelings.
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